Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14-18, 2015

General Announcements:
  • This will be our last newsletter of the semester.  It has been a blessing to have all of your students in our classrooms and to be working with each family.  Have a wonderful holiday break!
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • We will have holiday rotations on Thursday, December 17th, where students will rotate between all of the Discoverers classrooms. We will also enjoy treats on this day. Thank you to those of you that have already signed up to bring things in! We look forward to a wonderful day!
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Dates for This Week
  • Thursday, December 17:  Holiday Rotations in the afternoon
  • Friday, December 18:  Early Dismissal at 11:00 a.m. (let us know if your child needs a sack lunch)

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Wednesday, December 16:  Reading Cold-Read Assessment
  • Wednesday, December 16: End of Unit Test- Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Friday, December 18:  End of the 2nd 9 weeks

Looking Ahead
  • Monday, January 4th:  1st day back at school
  • Wednesday, January 6th:  Report Cards

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math: We are finishing up our work with adding and subtracting fractions. We will continue this focus for the first week of January, and then we will move to our next unit in math. Generally speaking, I am very pleased with the progress we have made, and the students are showing me that they are able to apply their understanding of fractions when it is presented to them in a different way. After the break we will begin to work with adding and subtracting of decimals, and then revisit fractions when we learn to multiply and divide them.
homework: Math Computation
Science News:

**Science: We are about finished with our discussion of designing and testing ways to clean up environmental disasters, and will wrap it up with a hands-on experiment where we design our own air-filters. We will then test these filters to see how well they trap pollution, and help clean the incoming air. After the break, we will start to look at matter, chemical reactions, and space.
homework: None
Language Arts News:
Topics of Study -
**Reading-  We will have a cold-read assessment on Wednesday.  We will finish up our story from last week, "Stray," but there will not be vocabulary or a comprehension test this week.

**Language/Language IXL-  There will not be IXL or DOL this week.

Changes after the break with Reading Homework:

We will no longer have Reading Logs. I always go back and forth with this, because sometimes I feel like Reading Logs make them hate reading, but other times I think that it adds accountability. I told them I still want them reading as much as they can. I'm not setting a number of days or minutes, I just want them to READ and to ENJOY it. To hold them accountable for this, we are going to have an "In the Spotlight" moment on Fridays. Each Friday, I will pull names from a cup. If their name is pulled, they will be "In the Spotlight." At this time, they will talk to the class about the book they are reading. If they read more than one book, they can talk about just one of the books read that week. If they didn't finish the book, it is ok. They will just talk about the part that they read. I am still working on how to make this an EXCITING time for them, and to make them WANT to read so they can share what they read with the class. 
For their reading grade each week (for homework), they will be assigned ONE article to read online. After they read the article, they will answer questions about the article. The articles are geared towards kids and are interesting. The website is called Tween Tribune. I signed them up and will give them their log in information after the break. They will be assigned an article on Monday and it will be due on Thursday. This assignment will count as a 10 point homework grade each week. 
I'm looking forward to changing things up a bit. Please let me know if you have any questions. 


Social Studies:
Topics of Study – Before the break, students will complete a digital storytelling project on a cause of the American Revolution.  Details came home today.  Our in-depth study of the American Revolution will begin after our holiday break.  
We hope everyone has a great week!

Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7-11, 2015

General Announcements:
  • It is hard to believe that the semester is almost over and we have 2 weeks left until the holidays! Time is flying by!
  • Please reinforce with your children that they need to finish the semester strong, as we are doing the same at school! We are proud of the growth we have seen in each child and can't wait to see how far they go by the end of the year!
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • We are working on plans for a Holiday celebration with the students. We will let you know the details as soon as we have them ironed out.
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Wednesday, December 9th:  Reading/Vocabulary Test “In the Time of the Drums”
  • Tuesday, December 8th: Social Studies Test (open notes)
  • Friday, December 11th:  Week 13 DOL Test; Reading logs due; IXL due
  • Friday, December 11th: Quiz on adding and subtracting fractions

Looking Ahead
  • Thursday, December 10th: Classroom Geography Bee
  • Monday, December 14th: Tacky Holiday Wear/Holiday Concert Assembly
  • Tuesday, December 15th:  Reading/Vocabulary Test “Stray"

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math- In math, we will continue with adding and subtracting fractions, but within the context of word problems. We will also move into adding and subtracting mixed numbers and irregular fractions.
homework: Math Computation and Improper Fractions and Mixed Number Problems
Science and Math Tabs- Links to websites and games have been added. Just click the type of link you are looking for, and it should direct you to some helpful activities. 

Science News:

**Science- We are looking towards being a classroom of problem solvers as we focus on our next set of standards. We will be looking at ways that we can design and test methods for cleaning up accidents and disasters in our environment. This week we will talk about pollution and its many forms, then we will design ways to help reduce one form of pollution. At the end of this experiment, they will get to test their ideas.
homework: None
Science and Math Tabs- Links to websites and games have been added. Just click the type of link you are looking for, and it should direct you to some helpful activities. 

Language Arts News:
**Reading-  We started a new reading passage last week titled, “In the Time of the Drums.”  We are working on sequencing events and also remembering to quote accurately from a text.  Our test will be Wednesday, December 9th. We will begin a new passage called “Stray” on Thursday. This will be the last passage before the Holidays.
homework: comprehension test on Wednesday on the story, "In the Time of the Drums"
**Vocabulary: Students received new vocabulary words last Wednesday.  A test with these words will be on Wednesday.
homework: vocabulary test Wednesday; make sure activities are ready to be turned in (Monday-write sentences; Tuesday-illustrate words)
**Reading Log-Reading Logs came home today and will be due on Friday.
homework: logs due on Friday
**Language/Language IXL-  Our focus this week is using commas and quotations. We will also review when to underline or use quotation marks in titles.  The test will be on Friday, December 11th.
homework: IXL due on Friday; DOL test on Friday-look over what we go over in class each night

Social Studies:
We are wrapping up our studies of the causes of the American Revolution.  The study guide for the test will be the notes that they have taken in class, on their graphic organizer. This will be an open note test. At the end of this week, students will complete a digital storytelling project on a cause of the American Revolution.  Details to come.  Our in-depth study of the American Revolution will begin after our holiday break.  
homework: look over/be familiar with the study guide for the test tomorrow
We hope everyone has a great week!