Tuesday, August 25, 2015

AUGUST 24-28
  • Our PTO/Open House meeting will take place tomorrow, August 25th at 6:00.  Previous to this, we will have a Camp McDowell meeting in the BGIS cafeteria at 5:00.  Representatives from Camp McDowell as well as teachers will be here to answer our questions.
  • Camp McDowell information came home today. Please fill out and return the packet that needs specific information. The other packet is for you to keep as a reference.  
  • Please make sure your child’s Chromebook is charged every day when they come to school!
  • Click on the following link to apply to be a part of our broadcast team. Any interested students should submit this form by Friday 8/21.

Important Dates for This Week

Tuesday, 8/25:  Camp McDowell Meeting  at 5:00
Tuesday, 8/25:  PTO/Open House at 6:00
Friday 8/28:  Reading Test/Vocabulary Test
Friday, 8/28:  Camp McDowell $35.00 deposit due

Upcoming Important Dates
8/27:  Magazine Sales Begin
9/7:  LABOR DAY.  No school for students or teachers.
9/14-9/16:  Camp McDowell for Discoverers
Curriculum News:
Math News:
 **Math: We are wrapping up our work on what an array shows, and it's parts. We focused on factors, multiples, and products. As we continue to talk of this, we will extend this knowledge and  begin to practice multiplication strategies.
  • Homework: Math Computation and Unit #1 page 28
  • Upcoming Assessments: Friday on Factors, Multiples, Products, Arrays, and two by two multiplication.
 Science News:

**Science: In science, we are discussing the differences between observations and inferences. We will continue this focus, and then quickly begin with the Scientific Method for conducting science investigations.
  • Homework: - T-chart on Observations/Inference if they didn't finish in class.
  • Upcoming Assessments: Tuesday on Observations and Inferences.
 Language Arts News:
**Reading: This week we are continuing our focus on quoting accurately from a text. Your child received our weekly passage and vocabulary words today. Please remind your child to read the passage at home at least one time during the week.  On Friday, your child will have a reading comprehension test (they can use the passage on the test) and a vocabulary test.
**Reading Log-We are starting these this week.  Students will read and respond each night. There is no certain time requirement as long as they are reading and completing their log. I will check these every day and collect them on Friday. A parent initial is required each day.
 Social Studies:
Topics of Study –   We will continue learning about the different Native Americans groups in the United States this week. Each day we will focus on a particular group and complete activities related to that group. A study guide for this unit will come home at the end of the week and we will have a test on Wednesday of next week. Remind your child to stay organized by using their Table of Contents.  
We hope everyone has a great week!

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