Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16-20, 2015

General Announcements:
  • In accordance with Alabama law, Section 16-29-1, Code Alabama, 1975, our school will be conducting a free screening to detect adolescent scoliosis on November 17, 2015 all day during PE classes. The school nurse along with a nurse from Children's Hospital will conduct the scoliosis screening program. The screening, which takes about one minute, is simple and not embarrassing. It involves a visual examination of the back while standing straight and bending over. Boys and girls will be screened separately. Scoliosis is a twisting, or curve of the spine which occurs in about 10% of the adolescent population and about 2 ½% will require some type of medical attention. The first sign of scoliosis is usually noticed between the ages of ten and fourteen. If any symptoms are detected for your child, you will be notified by letter. Please make sure your child wears a slip-on shirt or blouse on the screening day. Girls may wear a bathing suit top or bra which will remain on during the screening. If you do not want your child to participate then send a note in writing to the school nurse. Thank you for you cooperation with the screening program.
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Dates for This Week
  • Friday, November 20:  Students bring in their Favorite Family Recipes (not the food, just the recipe) on paper provided and discuss traditions and complete fraction activities related to the recipes.

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Thursday, November 19th- Math test on Adding and Subtracting Fractions
  • Friday, November 20th:  Reading Log due
  • Friday, November 20th: DOL Test
  • Friday, November 20th:  Informational Writing Piece due (we are working on this in class)

Looking Ahead
  • November 23-27: Thanksgiving Holidays.  No school for students all week.

Curriculum News:

**Math: We are making great progress with adding and subtracting fractions. We will continue this, and next week, start looking at multiplying fractions. As we work with fractions, we will always have a strong focus on problem solving, not just the procedures.
homework: Math Computation
**Science: In science, we are still discussing the factors that plants need in order to survive, as we move into food chains and food webs. We are looking at how the Transfer of Energy moves from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.
homework: None
Language Arts:
**Vocabulary: None this week!  Enjoy!

**Reading Log-These were sent home today and due on Friday!
homework: complete reading log for Thursday

**DOL/Language IXL-  IXL will consist of a variety of grammar activities, working on Past Tense Verbs.
homework: review DOL for Thursday and make sure IXL for Thursday is completed

**Writing-  We have started the rough draft of our Informational Writing Piece.  We will continue writing this week and will have a final draft completed by Friday.  The week after our break will be a reading week.
homework: work on finding a good recipe to share with the class (form to write recipe on came home today. Please share the recipe only, not the food.)

Social Studies:
Topics of Study – We will continue our study of the causes of the American Revolution.

We hope everyone has a great week!

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