Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 2-6, 2015

General Announcements:
  • In honor of our Veterans during the month of November, and in conjunction with our Veterans Day Program on Tuesday, November 10 at 8:45 A.M., we are asking for you to please donate unopened, travel- size toiletries that will be presented to the VA Hospital in Birmingham for Veteran patients and for the homeless Veterans program. We will have boxes in the lobby from Monday, November 2 thru Friday, November 13, 2015.
  • We will have no school on Wednesday, November 11th for Veterans’ Day.
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Dates for This Week
  • 11/2:  Veteran’s Day form due
  • 11/5:  Pep Rally with HHS football team and cheerleaders

Important Curriculum Dates
  • 11/6:  Greek and Latin Roots Test
  • 11/6:  DOL Test Week 9

Looking Ahead
11/10:  Progress Reports
11/10:  Veteran’s Day program at Brock’s Gap at 8:45 a.m.:  DRESS YOUR BEST DAY
11/11:  No School-Veteran's Day

Curriculum News:
Math News

**Math: After reteaching, to address some of our misconceptions about volume, the graded tests are looking very good. I believe that we are ready to move into fractions. As we start, we will look at the meaning of fractions, how to evaluate their equivalence, and what happens as we add fractions together. This is one of my favorite units, and you will be surprised at the deep understanding that our children will show. 
homework: Math Computation , IXL, Unit #4 page 2
Science News

**Science: We are still working on the transfer of energy from the sun to more complicated lifeforms. We began by looking at photosynthesis, and how the sun's energy helps plants make their own energy. Later this week, we will use the example of photosynthesis to help us show the Law of Conservation. Then, we will do an experiment to show whether a plant has gone through photosynthesis, by looking for starch in leaves.
Language Arts News
**Vocabulary: We are starting week 4 in our Greek and Latin Roots study. Homework practice will come home each night.  There will be a test on Friday, Nov. 6.
homework: Root Word Unit 4 sheet

**Reading Log-These came home yesterday and will be due on Friday.  Please reiterate the importance of answering each question asked, writing in complete sentences, and reading back through their writing to check for errors.
homework: complete reading log for Thursday

**Language/Language IXL-  We are beginning Week 9 in DOL, with a continued focus on verbs.  A test will be on Friday, November 6th.  
homework: make sure that IXL is completed for Thursday

**Writing-  We started Informational writing today.  We will work across the curriculum using our Social Studies material on colonies to fuel our focus for this writing piece.  

Social Studies: We finished our study of the colonies and will be moving to events leading up to the American Revolution.  We are in Ch. 3 in our Social Studies Techbook.
We hope everyone has a great week!

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