Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 18-22, 2016

General Announcements:
  • We hope everyone had a nice, long weekend!
  • Alex is continuing to collect items of clothing and recyclables for the 150th day of school project. There are collection boxes on our hallway.
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • Girls on the Run registration began on Monday, January 11th.  Find out more about Girls on the Run at www.girlsontherunbham.org.
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • We could always use more pencils. If you are out and can grab some to send to school with your child, that would be great! :)

Important Dates for This Week

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Friday, January 22--DOL Test Week 16
  • Friday, January 22--Tentative date of Point-of-View Reading Assessment
  • Friday, January 22-- Decimal Test

Looking Ahead
  • Tuesday, January 26:  PTO Meeting/Parent Academy 6-7:30 p.m.  Dr. Kathy Murphy, our Superintendent, will be the key-note speaker.  Childcare will be available.  More details to come.

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math- We are just beginning with decimals. One area that I noticed many of our children need to review, is place value. We had focused on decimal place-value, but we will need to review place-value as it pertains to whole numbers. After spending some class-time review this, we will move into rounding fractions and placing them in numerical order. Soon, we will move into adding and subtracting decimals, and then using this knowledge to solve word problems associated with decimals.
Homework: Math Computation

Science News: 

**Science- We have been learning about matter and the "stuff" that everything in our universe is made from. Soon we will look for evidence- through experiments- of matter that we cannot see. In doing these hands-on experiments, we will look for ways to prove its existence. Then, we will move into the characteristics of matter.
Bonus Points: Students can log onto ScienceWorld by Scholastic and use the password "furhorse549" to read any article from any issue. With this interactive magazine, they can summarize the article on at least 3 slides, using Google Slides or PowerPoint. They can share their summary with me on our GoogleClassroom site and recieve 5 bonus points in science.

Language Arts News:
**Reading-  This week we are going to continue our discussion we started last week on point-of-view.  We will look at the difference between point-of-view and perspective.  Even though students do not have a reading log, they should be reading every night each week in order to prepare for the upcoming Book Talk on Fridays.

**Vocabulary: None

**Language/Language IXL-  We began DOL Week 16 today.  A test will be on Friday.  Continue to practice IXL skills each day for extra practice.

Social Studies:
We will wrap up our discussion of the American Revolution and prepare for a test.  Look for study guides to come home this week.  We will have a test on Thursday, January 28th.  
We hope everyone has a great week!

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