Monday, March 21, 2016

March 21-25, 2016
Runner, Athlete, Sprint, Race,
General Announcements:
  • On Friday, March 25th, we will have our 5K for Causes here at Brock’s Gap. The students have a flyer pertaining to this, but we are also attaching it here:  5K for Causes All students MUST have the 5K for Causes flyer signed by a parent to participate.  This is one of the best days of the year at Brock’s Gap!!  This is our version of a Field Day, and we will enjoy the day with our students!
  • Scroll down to see the schedule of our day on Friday!!
  • Our front office has created a document that will help as you navigate our recent rezoning changes.  Please see this link for information on what students will attend Brock’s Gap:  Brock's Gap Rezoning Information
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Dates for This Week
  • Friday, March 25:  Brock’s Gap 5K (See Schedule Below!)

Important Curriculum Date
  • Thursday, March 24:  Language IXL Contract due
  • Thursday, March 24: Math Test on dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers, and possibly some on the metric system.

Looking Ahead
  • March 28-April 1: Spring Break
  • April 11-14:  Standardized Testing/ACT Aspire
  • April 14th:  Physical Maturation video and parent meeting at 5:30
  • April 19th: Fine Arts Night/PTO at 6:00-7:30 p.m.
  • April 21st:  Physical Maturation Lessons with students
  • May 2nd:  Elementary (5:30 -6:30) and Intermediate (6:30-7:30) Transition Night

Curriculum News:
Math News:
**Math: We are still working with decimals. Due to our testing schedule, I have decided that while we are learning about multiplying and dividing decimals, it would be a great time to talk about the metric system. This week, we will go back and forth between dividing decimals, and using our understanding of decimals to work within the metric system.
homework: Math Computation
Science News:
**Science: In science, we are wrapping up our look at how measuring mass and volume helps us determine density, and how that affects the buoyancy of substances. Knowing the density of certain objects, we can make fairly accurate predictions, as to whether something will float, or not. For our next big unit, we will begin to look at the connections and patterns we see with the stars in the night sky, our sun, and how the earth travels through space. We will specifically look at how constellations change over time, and the connection between the sun, seasons, and shadows.
homework: Look at the picture of the stars spinning in the night sky, from your Google Classroom Document, and be prepared to discuss reasons why the picture looks like it does!
Language Arts News:
Topics of Study -
**Reading: Our focus this week will focus on identifying the theme of a poem. Different activities include, reading poems around the room, completing task cards on various poems, listening and responding to poems being read aloud.

**Language/Language IXL- We will continue to work on skills that will be present on the ACT Aspire.  We will not have our usual morning work this week (DOL), but there will be an IXL contract due on Thursday to continue to practice important skills.  

Social Studies:
Topics of Study – We are continuing to learn about Westward Expansion.  Our blog has several resources of things we are studying/have covered.
We hope everyone has a great week!

5K Day Friday, March 25:
8:10-8:25- Edge Tennis/Warm Up Station (basketball area of courtyard)
8:30-9:10- Start Line/Run (on the track)
9:15-9:35- Hydration Station (front tennis courts)
9:40-10:00- Concessions (concession stand at stadium)
10:00-10:45- Cheer (Stadium)
10:45-11:15 Lunch (in classroom)
11:20-11:52- Nutrition Station (in the cafeteria)
11:55-12:27- YMCA Fun (competition gym)
12:30-1:02- Tug-of-War (field by softball field)
1:05-1:37 Inflatables (on the Wonder Field near tennis court)
1:40- Everyone will go to stadium
1:45-2:30- Closing Ceremonies (in stadium)

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