Tuesday, October 13, 2015

General Announcements:
  • We have contacted most parents about having a parent conference. Our goal is to meet with everyone at least once, this year.  However, we are absolutely available to meet with anyone that wishes to meet.  If you would like to meet with us and have not been contacted, please let us know and we will send you the link.  Thank you!
  • They are starting a new club here at Brock’s Gap called GEMS.  This stands for Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science.  We will have two groups - a fifth grade group and a sixth grade group.  Only 7 girls will be selected for this opportunity.  If your daughter is interested, please have her apply at tinyurl.com/BGISGEMS by October 14th.  
  • Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, October 14th.  Please contact us with any questions!  
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  

Important Dates for This Week
10/14:  Report Cards coming home
10/14:  BGIS Gems Application due

Looking Ahead
10/19:  School Picture Money Due
10/26:  Language Arts Project Due--details coming home today

Curriculum News:
**Math: In math, we are still working with how we use the dimensions of the base and the number of layers to find the volume of a rectangular prism. We are using this method and connecting it to what we all know as, Volume= length x width x height. This week, we will begin to look at irregular shapes, and how to break them up into separate parts in order to find the volume of the entire shape.
Homework: Math Computation
Test: Friday on finding volume of regular rectangular prisms
**Science: In science, we are beginning a new look at the spheres of the earth, and a specific interaction between them. This week, we will begin to discuss Erosion. We will also start to discuss ways that erosion can be stopped to reduced. Our ultimate project is to find areas around the school where erosion is happening, and use the methods previously discussed to help these areas recover.
Language Arts News:
**Reading:  No reading passage this week.

**Reading Log-These will be sent home on Tuesday and will be due on Friday.  Please reiterate the importance of answering each question asked, writing in complete sentences, and reading back through their writing to check for errors and to make sure details are added.
Homework: reading log-Thursday question (Logs due tomorrow!)

**Language/Language IXL-  We are going to have a review week of concepts we have been discussing.  There will be no DOL test this week. We will have a Root Word test on Friday. Activities will come home each night to help practice our words for the week. 
Homework: Root words sheet

**Writing-  This week, we are starting a week-long writing project.  Students will be given a notable American to research, particularly an important person from the Social Studies units we are discussing this year.  Students will read informational texts about their person throughout the week to assist them in their project.  Details will be coming home today.
Homework: finish Obituary about Notable American

Click on the link below for Project info:

Social Studies: We are continuing our unit on Colonizing North America. We will primarily focus on the New England colonies.
We hope everyone has a great week!

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