Monday, October 19, 2015

Week of 10/19/2015
General Announcements:
  • Please let us know at anytime if you would like to meet with us for a conference.  
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • Shoe drive still going on at Brock's Gap!
  • BGIS will be having our Fall Book Fair next week, October 26th -30th. There will be lots of great books for every student. Come visit the book fair and purchase some great books while helping support our school library.  Also if any parent like to volunteer to help with the Book Fair, please contact Mrs. Stewart at 439-1642 or email her at

Important Dates for This Week
10/20:  Zaxby’s Night for BGIS at Zaxby’s on Hwy 150

Important Curriculum Dates
10/23:  DOL Test; Reading Vocabulary test

Looking Ahead
10/19:  School Picture Money was due today
10/26:  Language Arts "Tombstone Project" due!

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math: We are continuing our work with volume. We are still trying to master V= base x layers, and recognizing those dimensions on a three-dimensional shape. We are also working on finding the volume to irregular shapes. We will finish this unit this week, and then start with fractions.
homework: Math Computation and Unit #2 pages 36-37 numbers 2 , 4 , and challenge
Science News:

**Science: In science, we are wrapping our study of erosion up, by looking at ways that erosion can be controlled by humans. We will begin a long term project in the courtyard, as we look for ways to stop, or slow down erosion around the local trees. After this, we will begin to look at ecosystems, energy creation, and energy pathways.
homework: Start to write a response to the article.
Language Arts News: 
**Reading:  We will be reading a non-fiction passage this week.  We will have a vocabulary test covering the words from the text on Friday. There will not be a comprehension test on Friday, but we will have an assessment on Monday.  This will be a “cold-read assessment” in that students will not have read this passage before.  I will be assessing the standards we have covered in class thus far.  
homework: study for vocabulary test
**Reading Log-Reading logs for this week came home today and will be due on Friday.  Please reiterate the importance of answering each question adding details, writing in complete sentences, and reading back through their writing to check for errors.
homework: reading log due tomorrow!
**DOL/Language IXL-  Students will get new DOL activities this week, working on language skills. They will have IXL that they will complete each day, as well, covering the same skill we are working on during DOL practice.
homework: DOL test tomorrow; IXL should be completed
**Writing-  Students will bring their tombstone projects to school on Monday, October 26.  The tombstones will be displayed all week and will be sent home on Friday, October 30th.
homework: students will work on their tombstones. Tombstones will include the Acrostic Poem that we did in class. I will also take up their obituary that they worked on in class for a grade! Final grade will consist of: research notes, obituary, and tombstone
Social Studies:
Topics of Study – We are continuing our study of the colonies this week: New England, Middle and Southern colonies. A study guide will come home soon!
homework: students will complete "Colonial Schools" reading and questions on back

We hope everyone has a great week!

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