Monday, February 1, 2016

February 1-4, 2016
General Announcements:
  • Global Scholar Testing is this week. These are our mid-year assessments that we give in Math and Reading. See schedule below for more information.
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • We are always in need for more pencils. :) :) :)
Valentine Grams will be on sale from Thursday, Feb. 4-Thursday, Feb. 11 in the lunchroom beginning at 7:30. Grams will come with a bracelet, of your choice, and are $1.00 each. Please bring in cash, not coins. We ask that you come knowing the homeroom and the name of the person you are sending the gram to. 

Inline image 1
Student Council

Important Dates for This Week
  • 2/2/16: Global Scholar Testing in Reading
  • 2/2/16: Brock's Gap Zaxby's Night
  • 2/3/16: Global Scholar Testing in Science
  • 2/4/16: Global Scholar Testing In Math

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Thursday, 2/4: DOL Test
  • Friday, 2/5: Vocabulary Test; Comprehension Test
  • Friday, 2/5 Math Test- Decimals

Looking Ahead
  • Monday, 2/15-Tuesday, 2/16: No School For Students
  • Friday, 2/19/16: Career Day

Curriculum News:
Math News:
**Math- We are very close to wrapping up our first session on decimals. We will finish this first part of decimals by continuing with adding and subtracting them, but we will also be looking at converting fractions to decimals and percentages.Next week, we will return to fractions, but move into multiplying and dividing them.
Homework: IXL and Unit #6 page 37
Science News:
**Science- We are still working very hard to put together our experiments with a better understanding of matter, and more importantly, the conservation of matter. We will continue with matter, as we look at the differences between physical and chemical changes. We will soon have a fantastic lab on acids and bases, and how to use an indicator to tell the difference.
Homework: None
Language Arts News:
**Reading-  Our text this week is called, "A Game of Catch." We will be working on Comparing and Contrasting two or more characters, settings, or events in a story, using specific details from the text.

**We are beginning to do "Book talks" everyday, versus only on Fridays. I would like to have each child do a book talk each week. :) The students are excited about this!

**Vocabulary: We will have homework using the words from the text.

**Language/Language IXL-  We will begin understanding adjectives and identifying them in a sentence this week.  The test will be on Thursday!!!
Homework: Read, Read, Read! Vocabulary: homework due tomorrow; study for the vocab. test; make sure IXL is completed for the week (I will check tomorrow)

Social Studies News:
Topics of Study – We took our test last week covering the American Revolution. This week we are moving to "Forming a New Government."

We hope everyone has a great week!

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