Monday, February 8, 2016

February 19-Career Day:
Click on the link below to go to sites and games about career options!

February 8-12, 2016

General Announcements:
  • From Student Council:  Students can buy Valentines Grams starting at 7:30 a.m. each morning of February 4-11th.  These consist of a bracelet and heart and cost $1 each.
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • There will be a rezoning meeting next Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 in the Brock’s Gap lunchroom for Brock’s Gap and Deer Valley parents.  Other important dates and additional information can be found on the following website:  HOOVER REZONING WEBSITE.

Important Dates for This Week
  • February 10th:  Progress Reports
  • February 12:  Reading Rally  (afternoon assembly)

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Thursday, February 11th:  DOL Week 19 Test
  • Thursday, February 11th: Tween Tribune Assignment Due
  • Friday, February 12th:  IXL Due
  • Friday, February 12th: No math test.

Looking Ahead
  • No School February 15-16th
  • Friday, February 19th:  Career Day

Curriculum News:
Math News:
Topics of Study
**Math: In math, we are still working on multiplying fractions. We have been using fraction bars and arrays to help us illustrate our thinking, and what happens when you multiply fractions. We will continue this, and on Monday, we will start to work on dividing fractions.
Homework: Unit #4 p. 86-88
Science News:
Topics of Study –  
**Science: In science, we are still working with matter. Our focus will now be on chemical and physical changes. This week we will start some hands-on experiments with acids and bases, and how to decide which is which, through a chemical reaction.
Language Arts News:
Topics of Study -
**Writing:  We began Narrative Writing today.  This will be our focus for the next 3 weeks.  

**Book Talks: Students will be giving book talks each day. By the end of 2 weeks, every student should have been able to get one book talk in.

**Language/Language IXL-  We will continue a review of adjectives this week and will shift into adverbs.  Students will take their DOL test on Thursday.  This will be different, as I have made a test on the computer.  I am starting to prepare your child for the ACT Aspire Language portion in which they will be assessed on the computer.  

Social Studies:
Topics of Study – We are working on a "Black History Month" project using Animoto. Ask your child about this. We will finish learning about the three branches of government after we present our projects.
We hope everyone has a great week!

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