Monday, February 29, 2016

February 29-March 4, 2016
General Announcements:
  • We are so proud of our students and how excited they are about reading right now!  Please encourage them to keep reading their Reading Rally books!  We will begin voting for our favorite book on March 8th.  
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW. 
  • Important dates and additional information on rezoning can be found on the following website:  HOOVER REZONING WEBSITE.
  • Friday, March 4: Math Test on Multiplication of Fractions and  

Looking Ahead

Important Dates for This Week
  • Tuesday, March 1st:  Individual Spring Pictures

Important Curriculum Date
  • Thursday, March 3: Government Test
  • Thursday, March 3:  DOL Test
  • Friday, March 4:  Greek and Latin Roots Unit 7 Test
  • March 8, 9, 10:  Voting for Favorite Reading Madness book
  • March 11:  Winner of Reading Madness Announced
  • March 28-April 1: Spring Break
  • April 11-14:  Standardized Testing/ACT Aspire
  • April 14th:  Physical Maturation video and parent meeting at 5:30
  • April 19th: Fine Arts Night/PTO at 6:00
  • April 21st:  Physical Maturation Lessons with students

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math- We are continuing with multiplying decimals. We have made great connections to our previous understanding of multiplying fractions, and how that relates to decimals. We are very focused on observing whether the decimals we are multiplying are 10 or 100 times larger or smaller than the product, and adjusting our answer. Depending on how well I feel the class is progressing, we might begin division of fractions before the end of the week.

Math Homework: Math Computation , 5 division of fraction problems, and graphing (coordinate pairs) worksheet

Science News:
**Science- We are still looking at the properties of matter through our hands-on lab. We will finish this lab in the next few day, and then, keeping with matter, begin to look at the mass and volume of matter to determine it's density. Then, we will discuss how that affects the buoyancy of substances.

Language Arts News:
1. Read, read, read!
2. Root Word Definitions-look over them and become familiar with the words
3. DOL Test-Thursday (study a little each night)
4. IXL-will be checked on Friday

Topics of Study

**Writing:  We finished our final draft of our small moment personal narrative last week.  We will revisit writing after testing.

**Reading:  This week, we will switch back to reading.  Our focus is Summarizing.  We will revisit how to write a quick and easy summary.  

**Greek and Latin Roots:  We will start Unit 7 this week.  The test will be on Friday. 

**Language/Language IXL- We are moving more towards preparing for the ACT Aspire.  our DOL will look a little bit different, but it will be very helpful in terms of preparation.  The IXLs will include random skills to review.


Social Studies:

Topics of Study – We are finishing up our unit on the new government.  We will have a test on Thursday. A study guide was sent home today. Students can practice Quizlet on our Social Studies Blog (this is a great resource to use to study). There are also several interactive games they can click on to help them understand the things we have discussed.  
We will begin Westward Expansion next week. 


1. Study for test (using study guide or Quizlet on our class blog) Test will be on Thursday!

We hope everyone has a great week!

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