Monday, February 22, 2016

February 22-26, 2016
General Announcements:
  • We are so proud of our students and how excited they are about reading right now!  Please encourage them to keep reading their Reading Rally books!  We will begin voting for our favorite book on March 8th.  
  • We had a great Career Day last Friday!  The students learned about what it takes to get a job, they learned about different jobs, and future colleges to attend!  It was a very inspiring day!
  • Please continue to collect Box Tops for our school.  Every box top equals money for our school!
  • Please check your child’s grades from time to time on INOW.  
  • Important dates and additional information on rezoning can be found on the following website:  HOOVER REZONING WEBSITE.

Important Dates for This Week
  • No major school dates for this week

Important Curriculum Date
  • Thursday, February 25:  DOL Test Week 20 (Test will be online)

Looking Ahead
  • March 28-April 1: Spring Break
  • April 11-14:  Standardized Testing/ACT Aspire
  • April 14th:  Physical Maturation video and parent meeting at 5:30
  • April 19th: Fine Arts Night/PTO at 6:00
  • April 21st:  Physical Maturation Lessons with students

Curriculum News:
Math News:
**Math- We will continue with multiplying fractions this week, and will begin a quick connection with multiplying decimals. after looking at how multiplying fractions and decimals are related, we will move into dividing fractions. I have been very impressed with our conceptual understanding of what multiplying fractions actually means. We will have a test on multiplying fractions this Wednesday.
Homework: IXL  Level H K.8 (They also have either Level F T.2 or Level H K.8, they should know which one they were given)
Science News:
**Science- We are continuing our look at matter. Last week, we looked at chemical changes within the spectrum of acids and bases. This week, we will begin to look at the properties of different materials, and how to observe and measure them. More hands-on science!
Homework: Alien Materials Website, and look at Cleaning Ocean link on Google Classroom
Language Arts News:
**Writing:  We are finalizing our rough drafts for Personal Narratives this week, as well as begin editing and revising our drafts. My hope is that we have this unit finished up the first of next week. :)
homework: if your child wants to work on their drafts at home as well, they may do so; READ!!! Book talks will be given each day :)

**Language/Language IXL-  DOL and IXL was passed out today. We will focus on adverbs this week and will have a short quiz on Thursday. Please note that our DOL quiz will be online this week. We feel this is beneficial to prepare us for the ACT assessment, which is all online.
homework: Study DOL, Day 2 and 3 and work on IXL.

Social Studies News:
We will continue learning about the three branches of government.  There will be a study guide given on Friday, with a test next week.  
homework: make sure binder is organized according to the Table of Contents
We hope everyone has a great week!

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