Monday, May 16, 2016

May 16-20, 2016

General Announcements:
  • Our front office has created a document that will help as you navigate our recent zoning changes.  Again, Please note that any changes in the location of the school that your child may attend next year based on the HCS Rezoning Proposal are not final and are contingent upon a final ruling from Federal Court.  Please see this link for information on what students will attend Brock’s Gap:  Brock's Gap Rezoning Information
  • Awards Day for fifth grade at Brock’s Gap will be Tuesday, May 24th from 9:00-10:30.  We ask that all students dress their best that day.  Parents are welcome to attend, and you will be contacted if your child is receiving an award or being recognized.  The primary awards given are highest average in each academic subject as well as two “Bucs” awards in each academic subject. These awards are given for students who have given exceptional effort in a subject.   In addition, we will recognize all students who have all A’s for the year.  Students that have A’s and B’s for the year will be asked to stand at their seat.  We look forward to this wonderful day of celebration for our students!
  • It's time for your students to return their recorder books to the music room.  We've had great success this year with letting students take these books home but they do have to be returned by the end of the school year. If they have been lost or irreparably damaged they need to be paid for as soon as possible.  They are $5.00 each and can be paid for on In May, Mrs. Vines will send emails to individuals who still need to return their books.
  • Beginning May 16th, any student who owes more than $5.00 will be given a cheese sandwich and milk.  We appreciate your help with this!
  • Hoover High School Football team will be hosting a “Game On Bucs” event on Saturday, May 21st.  The cost is $25.00 at the door and will be in the multi-purpose gym at Hoover High School.  Your student will bring home information about this in the coming week.
  • The Clinic and Auditions for the 2016-2017 Cadence Show Choir will be May 18-20th in the Bumpus Choir room.  Rising 6-8th graders are eligible to audition. Audition forms are available from Mrs. Walker in the choir room at Brock’s Gap or Mrs. Rodas. Forms are due by May 9th. There is a $10 audition fee.  

Important Dates for This Week
  • Monday, May 16:  Global Scholar Reading/Math Test during TST
  • Tuesday, May 17:  Global Scholar Reading/Math Test during TST
  • Friday, May 20:  Yearbook signings (Bring a pen/marker to sign, if needed)
  • All textbooks (2 math and 1 science) are due on your Library day.

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Friday, May 20:  Poetry Slam (Students are asked to wear BLACK)
  • Friday, May 20: Tie Dye Day (Please send in a white shirt)

Looking Ahead
  • Tuesday, May 24:  Awards Day.  You will be contacted if your child is receiving an award.  All A students for the year will be recognized.  All A/B students for the year will be asked to stand at their places to be recognized.
  • Wednesday, May 25:  Report Cards
  • 12:45PM dismissal for elementary and intermediate Wednesday, May 25th
  • 11:00AM dismissal for elementary and intermediate Thursday, May 26th
  • Friday, May 27:  No School, Teacher Workday

Curriculum News:
Math News:
**Math- In math, we are still working on our long-term house design project. They are using all their math skills on this project, to find area, perimeter, volume, cost with decimals, and distance with fractions. All projects should be completed by this Friday.
Homework: Math Computation
Science News:
**Science- In science, we are still looking at our universe and some of its wonders. We will look at space exploration and the technology used to learn about are farthest and nearest neighbors. We will culminate this study by comparing brightness and size to the relative distances to the sun and the stars in our night sky.
Language Arts News:
Topics of Study -
**Reading: All poetry folders/google slides will be checked this week. We will have our Poetry Slam on Friday.  Students need to wear black shirts, can wear sunglasses in class, and can wear a beret, if they have one.  We will darken the windows, play the bongos, and pretend we are in a caf́e.  Students will be responsible for reciting at least one of their poems to the class.
**Language/Language IXL- There will be no tests next week.  IXL skills will be given each day. The students will need to finish these skills by Friday.

Social Studies:
Topics of Study – We will focus on important people and the battles from the Civil War.  We will also move into a discussion of Reconstruction. There will be no tests or quizzes next week.
We hope everyone has a great week!

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