Tuesday, May 10, 2016

May 9-13, 2016

General Announcements:
  • On Monday, May 9th, the middle schools will have a Middle School Transition Night.  All middle schools will be open from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for any student who will be NEW to their middle school next year.  This includes rising 6th graders.  We will not be visiting Bumpus at a separate time during school this year.  Please note that any changes in the location of the school that your child may attend next year based on the HCS Rezoning Proposal are not final and are contingent upon a final ruling from Federal Court.  More details will be provided when they are made available to HCS.  
  • Our front office has created a document that will help as you navigate our recent zoning changes.  Again, Please note that any changes in the location of the school that your child may attend next year based on the HCS Rezoning Proposal are not final and are contingent upon a final ruling from Federal Court.  Please see this link for information on what students will attend Brock’s Gap:  Brock's Gap Rezoning Information
  • It's time for your students to return their recorder books to the music room.  We've had great success this year with letting students take these books home but they do have to be returned by the end of the school year. If they have been lost or irreparably damaged they need to be paid for as soon as possible.  They are $5.00 each and can be paid for on myschoolfees.com. In May, Mrs. Vines will send emails to individuals who still need to return their books.
  • Beginning next week, any students who owe more than $10.00 to the BGIS cafeteria will be given a cheese sandwich and milk for lunch.  Beginning May 16th, any student who owes more than $5.00 will be given a cheese sandwich and milk.  We appreciate your help with this!
  • The Clinic and Auditions for the 2016-2017 Cadence Show Choir will be May 18-20th in the Bumpus Choir room.  Rising 6-8th graders are eligible to audition. Audition forms are available from Mrs. Walker in the choir room at Brock’s Gap or Mrs. Rodas. Forms are due by May 9th. There is a $10 audition fee.  
  • Please send in white t-shirts for your child! We will be tie-dying them towards the end of the school year!! (Write their name on the tag!)

Important Dates for This Week
  • Monday, May 9:  Middle School Transition Night (pending court approval)

Important Curriculum Dates
  • Friday, May 13:  Greek and Latin Roots Test-(Unit 10)

Looking Ahead
  • 12:45PM dismissal for elementary and intermediate Wednesday, May 25th
  • 11:00AM dismissal for elementary and intermediate Thursday, May 26th

Curriculum News:
Math News:

**Math: We will be working on a final project where the students will design their own house, and then use all of their math skills to answer questions about this design. This project should take us through the end of the year. They will only be working on this project at school. We might have one final, end of the year, test on basic fifth-grade maths skills. I will let everyone know if we will, and when to expect this test.
Homework: Math Computation
Science News:

**Science: In science, we are starting a unit about space. our focus will eventually lead us to connecting the brightness and size of the stars in the sky with a connection to their relative distance.
Language Arts News:
We are continuing our poetry unit. This week we are studying shape poems, haikus, and nonsense poetry to name a few. The students are required to finish their poems at night if they do not have them finished by the time class is over.  Please remind them to finish their poems if needed. Also, the students will be choosing a poem to recite for the Poetry Slam on Friday, May 20th. Please encourage the children to being choosing a poem for the slam.

Daily Oral Language:
There is NO DOL this week. They will have daily IXL to complete. There is a Vocab Test this week. The students will be bringing home vocab homework nightly. Vocab quiz will be on Friday.

Social Studies: 
Inventions were wonderful!! Thank you for all of your help.
This week we are beginning our study of the Civil War.
We hope everyone has a great week!

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